Air Fryer recipes for International Dots Day

 Celebrate International Dot Day with Fun Air Fryer Recipes
Air Fryer recipes for International Dots Day


International Dot Day, inspired by Peter H. Reynolds' book "The Dot," is a global celebration of creativity, courage, and collaboration. For educators and parents, it's an excellent opportunity to engage kids with fun, dot-themed activities. This year, why not incorporate some culinary creativity with air fryer recipes?

Dot-Themed Air Fryer Recipes

  1. Mini Pizza Dots: Use mini pizza bases or cut larger ones into circles. Top with sauce, cheese, and pepperoni slices. Air fry at 375°F for 5-7 minutes.
  2. Potato Croquette Dots: Shape mashed potatoes into small balls, coat with breadcrumbs, and air fry at 350°F for 10-12 minutes.
  3. Fruit Dots: Slice fruits like apples and pears into rounds, sprinkle with cinnamon, and air fry at 320°F for 8-10 minutes for a sweet treat.

Benefits for Educators and Parents

  • Engaging: Combines cooking with creativity, perfect for a Dot Day celebration.
  • Educational: Teaches kids about healthy eating and basic cooking skills.
  • Interactive: Encourages collaboration and fun in the kitchen.


Celebrate International Dot Day with these fun, easy air fryer recipes that kids will love. It's a perfect way to blend creativity with culinary arts, making the day memorable and delicious.

For more creative ideas and activities, visit International Dot Day.

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